With record high March temperatures, unprecedented early hatches of mayflies and caddis appeared on numerous local trout waters, affording memorable fly fishing opportunities. Little snowmelt and minimal rains have provided easy wading in many streams, but low conditions now might lead to a shortened season. Fish early and hard.Jim Bender’s Lower Forty becomes the nerve center for many local fly fishermen this time of year. He has received incredibly early reports of Quill Gordon and Hendrickson hatches.
Al Grudzinskas and Dan Kirsch have had excellent drift fishing with Tom Harrison on the Deerfield River in the lower stretch running into Greenfield, landing numerous trout up to 18 inches. Harrison offers quality western-style float trips down the Deerfield, catching and releasing impressive numbers of fish.
One of our region’s most accomplished fly fishermen, Dennis Alakoski, reports “epic” blue-winged olive hatches on the special regulations section of Connecticut’s Farmington River. According to Bender, size 18-20 emerger and adult imitations are the key to successfully fishing this prolific and sometimes enigmatic hatch.
Quincy back to flourishing
Get ready for winter flounder in Quincy Bay. A decade ago, that famous fishery was nearly dead because of pollution. Cleanup efforts are working. The flounder are back, feisty and flourishing. Clam and seaworm rigs will be bringing home limits of this gourmet treat any time now.Things are warming up
Warm-water fish are beginning to hit well. Jerry’s Bait & Tackle in Milford weighed in a 2-pound 10-ounce calico bass, caught by Craig Mason on a Slug-Go at Lake Chauncy. Jerry considers Brookfield’s South Pond and Fall River’s South Watuppa Pond two of the best calico waters in the state. Equally impressive was Steve Benoit’s 6-1/2-pound Quaboag Pond largemouth.Cleaning-up effort
Trout Unlimited will have representatives from the Blackstone River Coalition and the Blackstone River Watershed Association reporting on restoration efforts, Thursday evening at Worcester’s Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary. TU admirably works to improve the streams they fish. At 9 a.m. Saturday, April 21, they’ll be leading a Quinapoxet River cleanup — followed by fishing, of course. Bring your work boots, gloves, and fishing gear, to help them.Salmon stocking help needed
MassWildlife is seeking volunteers to assist personnel in stocking 750,000 salmon fry for the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program. Dr. Caleb Slater, anadromous fish project leader, advises that stocking runs through early May. Dozens of Connecticut River tributaries need stocking. Volunteers, needing to be in good condition, will carry buckets filled with tiny salmon down to the shorelines often via steep stream banks. Since it’s not unusual to get wet, volunteers should bring along a change of clothing.The fry stocking schedule and meeting locations can be found at www.mass.gov/dfwele/dfw. To join the effort, call Slater at (508) 389-6331. The challenge to bring this great fish back to its former grand stature here is daunting. Undoing the travesties of dams, pollution and the genetic extinction of the original Connecticut River strain is compounded by a hungry resident population of striped bass awaiting the little fish when they grow big enough to swim down to the sea. Saving this great fish would be one of our true restoration miracles.
Opportunity to donate
Consider helping our state’s endangered wildlife by supporting the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund when you file your state income tax. Massachusetts tax form 1, line 32a, “Endangered Wildlife Conservation” allows us to make a valuable contribution. Considering recent hard times, it’s gratifying to know that about $200,000 per year has been so donated by many generous state residents concerned with wildlife.Buzzing about bees
I watched a lone bumblebee yesterday pollinating my peach tree. There just aren’t a lot of local bees anymore. Fortunately, about 1,700 beekeepers maintain over 11,000 hives in Massachusetts, trying to make up for that deficiency, vastly improving the productivity of our farms and gardens. They also offer beekeeping classes, recruiting more beekeepers to help the cause. About 200 species of trees, fruits, herbs, vegetables, and flowers depend on them. They deserve our support.Non-beekeepers can urge legislators to provide funding for additional bee inspectors to guard against foreign infestations, track disease outbreaks, prevent their spread and insure responsible management among Massachusetts beekeepers.
We can further help by reducing all pesticide, fungicide and herbicide use, and encouraging the growth of wild flowers and weeds, which constitute essential bee forage.
Wannabe beekeepers should contact the Worcester County Beekeepers at worcestercountybeekeepers.com or the Massachusetts Beekeepers at www.massbee.org.
Mark Blazis can be reached at markblazis@charter.net
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