Monday, 18 January 2010

Largest genetically engineered trout - world record

Monday, January 18, 2010

Largest genetically engineered trout - world record
set by Sean Konrad

Lake Diefenbaker, Canada -- Saskatchewan fisherman Sean Konrad caught a 48-pound, 42 inches long with a 32-inch girth, rainbow trout which sets the new world record for the Largest genetically engineered trout.
The Largest genetically engineered trout came from Lake Diefenbaker, where trout genetically engineered to grow extra-big escaped from a fish farm nine years ago. (enlarge photo)
Lake Diefenbaker’s farm-born, genetically-engineered rainbows are technically known as triploids and they’re designed with three sets of chromosomes, making them sterile and channeling energies normally spent reproducing towards growth.
The industry sees these fishes are unnatural and are not part of the sport fishing industry being that they are bred for human food consumption.
The previous Guinness world record for the Largest genetically engineered trout was held by Sean’s twin brother Adam, who pulled a 43-pound, 10-ounce rainbow trout from Lake Diefenbaker in 2007.
The Konrads' mind-blowing success at Diefenbaker -- Sean estimates they've caught more than 300 fish over 20 pounds and several over 30 -- has turned them into the fishing ninjas as much as the fishing geeks: As a necessity, almost all of their fishing is done at night, when they can escape the squadrons of spies and tagalongs trying to ferret out their honey holes.

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